Sunday, March 19, 2006

cant a guy say something in favour of a girl or a group of girls without the aim of impressing them. this has to be the most loser statement i have every typed in my life. not because of what it means but beacues of the idiotic sentence construction. anyways getting back to the point, our society even being a muslim society does not have any respect for women. no, no thats not it. now i get it, our society is a fucking closed minded society which sucks ass. we cant think out of the box and always have to link an opposite sex thing as something to do with sex.

this in the box thinking is responsible for a fuck load of our problems. our butt-fucked tabbos and conservitive "pagree" loving mullahs. we cant discuss and talk about a lot of serious social issues just because this society believes that talking about that is going to send them to hell.

how do we fix this? man i dont know how many people have asked this and how many times this question has been asked. there are a lot of ideas and anyone with even a little sense will have solutions of his own so there is no point listing a bunch of solutions. because clearly nothing praticle has been put forward ever or maybe our society is beyond repair.


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